The Latest Analysis Revealed Where Two Percents Help the Most
Last year, nearly 101 million euros from tax assignation went to 18 thousand non-governmental non-profit organizations. This is a result of the latest data analysis prepared by the Pontis Foundation.
In Slovakia, tax assignation financial resources are most helpful in protecting health, supporting education, and developing sports. According to data published in the Commercial Journal over the past 16 months, 43.6 million euros from the assignation mechanism were used for these three purposes.
Support for the preservation of cultural values improved the most, with more than 5 million euros. By contrast, support for social assistance fell slightly year-on-year. The least money from the 2% tax went to the protection of human rights and the promotion of science and research.
Tax Assignation Also Funds Numerous Smaller Projects
Up to 80% of recipients who received more than 3 thousand euros per year from tax assignation were associations – unions and clubs. This is followed by non-profit organizations providing generally beneficial services (5.3%) and foundations (4.45%). Foundations play an important role in the system because they provide grants to other organizations and projects from the 2% funds and other received donations. “Almost half of the grants during the monitored period were contributions up to 10 thousand euros, totaling 32.8 million euros. Therefore, tax assignation does not only serve large recipients, but we consider the 2% mechanism to be an important tool for funding many smaller projects,” explained Radana Deščíková, Senior Program Manager of the Pontis Foundation.

Radana Deščíková, Senior Program Manager of the Pontis Foundation, presenting current data about tax assignation.
In addition to large foundations, the top thirty largest recipients, who received almost 22.5% of the total amount of the assignation, included organizations focused on helping seriously ill children, such as such as the Asociácia pomoci postihnutým (Association for Helping the Disabled), Plamienok NGO, Svetielko nádeje c. a., Dobrý anjel, and Červený nos Clowndoctors.
Higher Support for Clowndoctors and Omama program
The civic association Červený nos Clowndoctors received over 400 thousand euros last year, representing an interannual increase of about one-fifth. This allowed the healthcare clowns to prepare more than 1 800 performances. “Two percents from our contributors brought 5 thousand hours of laughter, positive emotions, incentives, and support for the mental well-being of not only patients but also their parents and healthcare staff,” says Milan Šagát, director of the organization.
Another organization that also receives funding for its activities from the 2% is the civic association Cesta von (Way out). Last year, it amounted to 175 thousand euros, a quarter more year-on-year. “Thanks to the 2%, we were able to create a better starting line in life for 100 children from marginalized communities. This will help them to cope better with school and increase their chances of getting a decent job as adults. Foreign data suggests that this is an investment that has a return of ten to fifteen times,” says Pavel Hrica, founder of Way Out. This money also helped to employ five Roma mentors – so called omamas – who previously did not have jobs and are now role models and leaders of positive change in their communities. Pavel Hrica adds that thanks to the 2%, the organization can also apply for another funding sources.
The Assignation Enabled the Transformation of a School for Children from Disadvantaged Backgrounds
Sloboda zvierat also relies on the 2%, supplementing the state’s efforts for years in the rescue of animals and in raising awareness and providing education. “In 2023, thanks to the 2%, we provided shelter for 1 988 animals that would have had no chance of survival on the street – or worse, in the hands of abusers,” explained Kristína Devínska. Thanks to microchipping, Sloboda zvierat returned 724 animals to their owners and permanently placed 883 animals in new homes. The Anti-Cruelty Hotline also has operated at full capacity, helping in over a thousand cases.

The speakers at the press conference about the usage of the 2% (from the right side) Milan Šagát from Červený nos Clowndoctors c. a., Zuzana Labašová from Živica c. a. and Pavel Hrica, the founder of Way Out.
Graduates of the civic association Živica – teachers who want to enable education for their colleagues – also contribute 2% to their educational activities. In 2023, the organization received over 55 thousand euros from the assignation. These funds were used to organize an outdoor education festival for 120 teachers, create a methodological guide, and launch a new major project for a model inclusive school.
“Thanks to the 2%, we started a challenging transformation of a school perceived as a ‘Gypsy’ school, aiming to show that children from marginalized groups and generational poverty not only can, but should be a part of the classes attended by majority children because diversity of any kind is an enrichment, not an obstacle,” enumerates specific examples of help from the 2% Zuzana Labašová from the civic association Živica.
2% is also a significant source for members of the Association of Corporate Foundations (ASFIN), which includes 18 corporate foundations and endowment funds. In 2023, ASFIN members’ income amounted to 15.7 million euros, 62% of which came from the assignation. ASFIN members provided up to 96% for public-benefit purposes from these funds as well as from the remaining assignation from previous years. Administrative and communication costs accounted for only 4%. This is based on a data analysis prepared by Zuzana Thullnerová, director of the Centre for Philanthropy NGO.