Responsible Small/Medium Company
For applying the principles of responsible entrepreneurship in practice

The Via Bona Slovakia 2022 award in the Responsible Small and Medium Company category went to the family company Herba Drug.
In this category, we award companies with less than 250 employees for their comprehensive approach to responsible entrepreneurship. If the company is part of a multinational company, the assessment takes into account the adaptation of the global strategy in the Slovak environment as well as the quality of domestic activities. The independent evaluation committee assesses the activities implemented in 2023 in the following areas:
- responsible entrepreneurship management – approach to responsible entrepreneurship, values, philosophy;
- ethics and responsible operations on the market– products and services with added social or environmental value, the introduction of ethical principles and principles of transparency into the company’s internal processes, anti-corruption measures and a fair approach to business partners (stakeholders);
- responsibility towards employees – equal opportunities for employees and job applicants, employment of the disadvantaged groups, activities in the field of health and safety, development and training, support for work-life balance;
- environmental responsibility – specific activities aimed at reducing the negative and increasing the positive impact of entrepreneurship on the environment;
- responsibility towards the community – activities in the field of corporate philanthropy and civil society support, strategic and long-term support of important topics, and volunteering.
We present awards to corporate approaches with innovative potential, measurable goals and achieved results, linking CSR activities with the company’s activities and overall strategy, the long-term sustainability of activities and the extent to which the company involves its partners (employees, civil society, public administration, customers).